Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Howard Shore  A Coronal of Silver and Gold  The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King [1] 
 2. The Black Cats  Silver & gold  At Cruise Inn 
 3. Califone  Silver And Gold  XMas Single 
 4. Will Hoge  Silver Or Gold  Draw The Curtains  
 5. Karen and Jay  Silver and Gold  May All Your Days Be Holidays 
 6. Matty G  Silver & Gold  Silver & Gold 
 7. Will Hoge  Silver and Gold  2006-09-16  
 8. Her Vanished Grace  Silver And Gold  Soon 
 9. Akon  www.Mp4.Ma .:::. Silver & Gold  Single - Silver and Gold 
 10. Karen and Jay  Silver and Gold  May All Your Days Be Holidays 
 11. Fell's Pt.  Gold and Silver   
 12. Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros  Silver and Gold  Streetcore   
 13. Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros  Silver and Gold  Streetcore   
 14. Grand Archives  Silver Among the Gold  Keep In Mind Frankenstein  
 15. Dj ZoneX  Gold n Silver   
 16. Grand Archives  Silver Among the Gold  Keep In Mind Frankenstein  
 17. Grand Archives  Silver Among the Gold  Keep In Mind Frankenstein  
 18. Burl Ives  Silver And Gold  Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer   
 19. Grand Archives  Silver Among the Gold  Keep In Mind Frankenstein  
 20. Will Oakland  Silver threads among the gold  Edison Blue Amberol: 1547 
 21. Elizabeth Spencer  Silver threads among the gold  Edison Blue Amberol: 3451 
 22. Words: Eben Eugene Rexford; Music: Hart Pease Danks  Silver Threads Among the Gold  American Dreams 
 23. Alan Gillett  Silver Threads Among The Gold  Music City Television Network Artist #277 
 24. Words: Eben Eugene Rexford; Music: Hart Pease Danks  Silver Threads Among the Gold  American Dreams 
 25. Will Oakland  Silver threads among the gold  Edison Amberol: 47 
 26. Henry Burr  Silver threads among the gold  Columbia Phonograph Co.: 32526 
 27. Burr, Henry  Silver threads among the gold   
 28. Will Oakland  Silver threads among the gold  Indestructible Record: 3223 
 29. Lou Chiha Frisco  Silver threads among the gold  Edison Blue Amberol: 2901 
 30. Harry Ellis  Silver threads among the gold (copy 1)  Indestructible Record: 1263 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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